Frozen shoulder syndrome2024-04-01T15:41:15-07:00

Have you noticed a problem with moving one or both of your shoulders? It is quite possible that you might be suffering from frozen shoulder syndrome, otherwise known as adhesive capsulitis. If this seems likely to you, you need to start frozen shoulder therapy as soon as possible. Here is more information on this troubling condition.

Frozen Shoulder Syndrome Symptoms

The symptoms that occur with adhesive capsulitis are quite straightforward. They include:

Pain in the affected shoulder and/or upper arm
Stiffness in the affected shoulder
Decreased range of motion in the affected shoulder

Frozen Shoulder Syndrome Causes

In the past, a frozen shoulder was thought to have an unclear origin. However, in recent times, some frozen shoulder syndrome causes have been found. These causes include:

Previous immobilization of the arm and/or shoulder joint

However, the primary cause of frozen shoulder is a biomechanical malfunction in the thoracic (T1-T12) part of the spinal cord. A frozen shoulder has become stuck and limited in movement.

If you are quite sure that you are suffering from a frozen shoulder, and live in Scottsdale, Phoenix or the surrounding areas, please contact Fix24 Joint Biomechanics soon as you can! We specialize in frozen shoulder treatment and would love to start treating your troublesome condition! Set up an appointment, today!

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