
Treatment for Scoliosis

Many people living in the United States suffer from scoliosis. Many of these sufferers have had this unfortunate condition since they were children. Scoliosis is a unique ailment that is characterized by an unnatural bend of the spine. Usually, if a scoliosis treatment is not opted for early enough, this condition can become progressively much worse. Luckily, if you discover your scoliosis at an early stage, regular treatments with a spinal stenosis doctor can prevent scoliosis from progressing over time.

What is Treatment for Scoliosis?

A patient will be officially diagnosed with scoliosis when a 60 degree sideways bend of their spine is discovered. While this condition often starts at a young age, it can also develop in later stages of life. If scoliosis is left untreated, the unnatural curve of the spine may affect the function of some of the organs, even the heart, and the lungs. However, if scoliosis is diagnosed and treated early enough, long term health effects can be kept from advancing over time. The proper treatment of this condition includes regular alignments with a doctor who focuses on treating scoliosis along with strengthening and flexibility exercises to help bring your spine back to optimal health.

If you are looking to learn more about scoliosis, look no further than our clinic at FIX24 Joint Biomechanics. Feel free to contact us any time with questions or concerns about your condition.

Are You Looking for Treatment for Scoliosis?

We help our patients with scoliosis by analyzing the spinal mechanics that cause the curvature in the spine.

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